Events in UID-DER: “15-16 June Great Workers’ Resistance: Unity, Confidence, Courage!”
UİD-DER, the struggle organisation of the working class, continues to carry the lessons of the past to the present, to fulfil its responsibility as the memory and transmission belt of the working class. It continues to convey the lessons of the period between 1960-80, when the working class movement was on the rise, and of the Great Workers’ Resistance of 15-16 June, one of the most spectacular actions of this period. On the 54th anniversary of the Great Workers' Resistance of 15-16 June, UID-DER organised a campaign in all its representative offices and in various industrial zones entitled “15-16 June Great Workers’ Resistance: Unity, Confidence, Courage!”. Unionised and non-unionised workers, working women, pensioners, working youth and children of workers from various sectors ranging from metal to petrochemicals, from health to education, from textile to transport took part in the events. In addition, executives and representatives from trade unions and professional organisations organised in different sectors, striking-insurgent workers, guests from various political parties, migrant-refugee workers took part in the events. Starting on 9 June, the events ended on 30 June.
In the events saluting the glorious resistance of 15-16 June, our class brothers and sisters who wrote the history of the Turkish working class, and those who struggle for a classless, exploitation-free, war-free world, it was stated as follows “We know that only when the working class is organised can it put a stop to the attacks of capital, moreover, it can obtain new rights and gains. The Great Workers’ Resistance of 15-16 June 1970 is an action that shows how strong workers are when they are in unity and solidarity, trust each other, stand shoulder to shoulder in their workplaces, unions and organisations of struggle. Those who do not know their past cannot understand the present and cannot build solid bridges to the future. Workers who do not learn the history of their class and are not equipped with class consciousness cannot stand strong against the capitalist class. That is why we, the workers of today, must learn, learn lessons and embrace the glorious workers' resistance 54 years ago.”
Founded 18 years ago on the 36th anniversary of the 15-16 June resistance, UİD-DER’s path in the struggle of the working class was explained. The video “From Tradition to Future: UİD-DER, the Struggle Organisation of the Working Class” was screened. With the video, which reveals the reasons why UID-DER’s roots are as strong as a plane tree and describes its determined struggle in the ranks of the working class, the enthusiasm in the hearts of the audience grew, determination and perseverance were strengthened, and the honour of sweating for a just struggle was amplified.
In the events, the songs of struggle of the UID-DER Music Ensemble UMUT were performed with the enthusiastic participation of the people in the hall, while in some representative offices, the song Ey Özgürlük (O Freedom) sung by the Working Women’s Choir and the poems of struggle recited by young workers were greeted with strong applause.
In the events where it was emphasised that the real liberation of the working class lies in the common struggle of the world working class, it was stated that only the international struggle of the workers can stop the imperialist war that has turned Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and Gaza into hell. While watching the video of the squares of the world on 1 May 2024, the raised fists and rising voices of workers of all nationalities gave strength and morale to the viewers.
In a period of increasing repression in Turkey, it is even more important to embrace unity, solidarity and struggle: “Sometimes it may seem that nothing will change, that the darkness will never be lightened. The important thing is to continue to work in the ranks of the working class with patience, perseverance and determination at such times. Those who show this perseverance and patience can direct the raging flood of the working class when time gives its turn to the working class, when the tide turns in favour of the worker. They ensure that all oppression is held to account. Let us have no doubt; our turn will come too! The spirit of 15-16 June will come to life again!” These words were followed by the verses of Adnan Yücel:
Where dreams run to infinity
Where patience blossoms
The book never closes
For in the most beautiful moment in history
Those who resist always have the last word!
The events, in which a call was made to stand together against the attacks of capital and the government, oppression and prohibitions, imperialist wars, capitalist exploitation, and to escalate the struggle for a world without exploitation with the spirit of the revolt of the 15-16 June, ended with the enthusiastic singing of UMUT’s Workers Solidarity anthem.
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