UID-DER’s Response to the Call Made by FENASOL
The war waged by the Zionist state of Israel in Palestine has been going on for one year. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have lost their lives in this war. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been displaced. In addition to the bombs, hunger, thirst and epidemics have claimed many lives. After Gaza, Israel took the war to the West Bank and then to Lebanon. Southern Lebanon and Beirut have been under Israeli bombardment for days. This picture of the Middle East is undoubtedly the result of the imperialist struggle for hegemony. The destruction and suffering caused by the imperialist powers, the regional powers supported by them and Israel, which is escalating the war in the most brutal way, is increasing. The unity and solidarity of the world working class, its shoulder-to-shoulder struggle against capitalism and imperialist wars is indispensable as the only way to put an end to this destruction.
Following the Israeli attacks on Lebanon, the Lebanese National Federation of Trade Unions of Workers and Employees (FENASOL) issued a call for action. The call condemned Israel's brutal terrorist attack on Lebanon and its people. Condolences were expressed to the families of those who lost their lives and urgent healing was wished for the wounded.
A call for unity was made to all workers in all sectors, trade unions and institutions, NGOs against this Israeli attack. We will not allow the voice of truth to be silenced. These crimes will not end without a struggle for the liberation of all the occupied territories. Therefore, we reiterate our call to all our friends and comrades and trade union members to go immediately to the hospitals to donate blood and to help with the transfer of patients to hospitals outside Beirut. We would like to thank all those who helped the wounded and their families in the rescue operations and those who contributed to their transport between hospitals.
UID-DER, in response to this call, sent the following message to FENASOL:
Dear comrades,
We are UID-DER (International Workers Solidarity Association), writing to you from Turkey. We are trying to strengthen the international unity, solidarity and struggle of the working class against capitalist exploitation. In this sense, we closely follow the developments in your region and witness the destruction and suffering caused by the sinister plans of the imperialist powers. Imperialist war means that the working people are pitted against each other for the sake of the interests of the rulers. We condemn the imperialist powers who are trying to expand the imperialist war by opening a new front in Lebanon, the murderous Israeli rulers and other regional powers fuelling the war. We deeply feel the pain of our Lebanese class brothers and sisters who were massacred and wounded in the Israeli attacks and we share your pain and anger. We would like to express that we stand by the Lebanese workers and labourers as we stand by the Palestinian workers and labourers. We are making efforts to convey your call for solidarity to the workers and labourers of Turkey and we extend our strongest feelings of solidarity and our hand of fraternity to you from Turkey.
Peace in Palestine, Lebanon, the Middle East and the world will come through the united struggle of the working class regardless of nation, ethnic identity or religious belief. For this, we continue and will continue our struggle for the unity of workers and the brotherhood of peoples.
No to imperialist wars!
Lebanese people are not alone!
Below is FENASOL’s answer to UID-DER’s message and call for solidarity:
Dear comrades,
While the conflict is escalating and the genocide is ongoing against the Lebanese and Palestinian people, we are urging to assist the displaced population securing shelters, basic needs, food, medication and many other needs especially baby milk and women hygiene kits.
We urge you to support cease-fire and provide us with any support that can be urgently serving our people. Solidarity
President of FENASOL
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