Year One of the October 7: Imperialist War Continues to Grow
The war that Israel has been waging in the Gaza Strip since 7 October last year continues, increasing in intensity and spreading to new regions. This war, in which the USA, China and Russia and the rival powers in the region, Iran and Israel, are settling their scores, has spread from Gaza to the West Bank and from there to Lebanon. The news of attacks, assassinations and bombings coming from Yemen, Iran and Syria, the threats of the political leaders, the bombing of Israel by Iran, the acceleration of the arms trade and deliveries show that the imperialist war will deepen and continue. More destruction and pain is waiting for the toilers of the Middle East.
The cost of this war, which is being waged with great ruthlessness by the imperialist states, is not only that the death toll exceeds tens of thousands. More than one million workers in Palestine, which is completely blockaded, do not know where to go, where to shelter and how to continue their lives. From hospitals to schools, from places of worship to tent camps, the civilian population's living spaces are being destroyed by bombs. In an environment where even a piece of bread is hard to find, access to drinking water has become impossible, the wounded and sick cannot be treated, cities and infrastructure are destroyed and bombs are raining down, survival becomes an agony. In a video posted on social media, a child from Gaza cries: 'I'm so tired of everything, I want to die, I want to die and rest!' In southern Lebanon and Beirut, the same bitter cries can now be heard.
The rulers, who have not taken a single concrete step to stop the war and genocide in Gaza in front of the whole world, are trying to deceive by making strong statements. Many countries, including Turkey, continue to trade with Israel and even take steps to sign new contracts. While Israel's ports are overflowing with oil, natural gas, weapons and food, the capitalist states, which increase their wealth on this occasion, shed crocodile tears in front of the media. The companies of the rulers, who say that they are on the side of the oppressed and justice in Turkey and insult Netanyahu, continue to prosper thanks to this trade. The hypocritical attitudes of the states that claim to condemn Israel are in fact giving Israel a free hand so that it can continue to rain bombs on the workers, to take lives and to expel hundreds of thousands of people from their land.
The fact that the war is not being waged on the territories of the great powers such as the USA, Great Britain, Russia and China does not change the fact that this war is a global war waged by them for their own interests. This war, which is turning the Middle East and Ukraine into a hell, which is sometimes coded as trade wars, which is sometimes waged through crises, coups and tensions that erupt, as in examples such as Taiwan and Niger, is the imperialist war of division, the third world war. This war, which continues to spread from Ukraine to the Middle East, from Africa to the Asia-Pacific region, deeply affects and threatens the lives of all the working people of the world. The threat of using nuclear weapons, the migration crisis, the hatred and violence against refugees, the rise to power of reactionary and oppressive anti-refugee governments are just some of the destructive effects of the war.
While the imperialist-capitalist powers are waging war, the working people of the world are extending a hand of solidarity to the working people of Gaza, West Sharia and Lebanon. The workers, whose hearts cannot bear the massacre of the people of their own class, are not staying silent and are taking to the streets. Unionised workers are going on strike, students are boycotting classes, workers of different languages and religions in many countries are shouting "Stop the war" addressing to both Israel and their own states in massive protests.
In addition to the mass protests in Britain, France, Germany and the USA, the Israeli workers are also taking to the streets against the fascist Netanyahu government, demanding an end to the war and the return of the war hostages. Today, it is the unity and organised struggle of the workers of the world that will stop the imperialist war and end the suffering of the Palestinian workers. For this reason, we as workers, regardless of language, religion or colour, must unite in one line and stand together against the cruel rulers who are flooding our world with blood.
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