Declaration of Anti-Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima Action On March 11th, 2016
The Abe administration is rushing to start war and restart the nuclear power plants. Down with the Abe administration, gathering the Fukushima people’s widespread anger together with the labor unions waging strikes at the forefront of the fight!
The Abe government has decided to lift the evacuation orders in all municipalities in Fukushima that are still exposed to radiation doses of up to 20 mSv/year. This means the evacuees in and outside Fukushima Prefecture are forced to go back into these heavily contaminated areas by March 2017 except for “the difficult-to-return-to areas.”
In line with this, the “compensation for mental suffering” by Tokyo Electric Company (TEPCO) for more than 100,000 evacuees and the government-subsidized apartments for “voluntary evacuees” will be cut off with the intention of forcing these evacuees to return home. This is essentially economic coercion.
The big construction companies make easy money from the wasteful and ineffective “cleanup” operation of the contaminated areas. Contaminated waste is packed into thousands of black bags that have nowhere to go. Radioactive contaminated water increases 500 tons per day as it is used to cool the hundreds of tons of molten fuel, and it will finally be poured into the sea.
Even though 167 children in Fukushima have developed thyroid cancer, both the central and prefectural governments repeatedly say that this “has nothing to do with the effects of radiation.” No one can believe such a blatant lie.
The government and TEPCO have never assumed responsibility for the accident, and have been driving wedges against the angry people of Fukushima. Moreover, the government is moving to promote nuclear power plants again as if nothing had happened. We fiercely condemn this shameless covering up of the apparent facts, and are determined to fight resolutely against the restarting of nuclear power plants and export of nuclear power plants.
March 11th marked a starting point for each of us. “Something is wrong with this society”—everyone shared this same feeling and stood up to challenge the political and social situation. It has been five years since that day. Now an aggressive war on the Korean Peninsula is imminent. Furthermore, World War III is actually on the near horizon. There are numerous people who earnestly seek a fundamental change of the society. In South Korea, workers are waging general strikes repeatedly to protest against the drive to war and rampant onslaught of temporary labor.
Let us join together to fight against neoliberalism through international solidarity of the working class! Wage strikes to stop war! Masses of workers have fallen into non-regular jobs and are suffering from extreme poverty. The working class has the power to lead the struggle to change this society.
A militant union ready to wage strikes is immediately needed for nuclear plant workers. JR East Co. is attempting to reopen the whole length of the Joban Line, which starts in downtown Tokyo and runs up to Miyagi Prefecture right through the vicinity of the destroyed Fukushima Nuclear Plant. The company is doing this to force the evacuees back into their heavily contaminated hometown. Let’s stop the opening of the Joban Line. Doro-Mito and Doro-Sorengo (Federation of National Railway Motive Power Unions) are leading the struggle by waging strikes to refuse to work in conditions exposed to radiation. We should spread the movement all over the country, including Fukushima, in order to fight against work exposed to radiation.
Fukushima Collaborative Clinic has been established with the sincere motive of supporting the people of Fukushima. Its motto is to recommend evacuation and a short-term recuperation in addition to medical care. The clinic is a reliable medical center for the residents of Fukushima. The political forces promoting the “reconstruction” of Fukushima consider the clinic an obstacle to its vicious purpose. Let’s protect Fukushima Collaborative Clinic with nationwide and worldwide power!
March 11th is the day for Fukushima people to voice their anger and act with people all over the world.
They raise their voices:
“Free the globe of every nuclear plant and nuclear weapon!”
“Let’s change society that holds money more valuable than life.”
Here is the power to change the world. Let’s bring everyone together to unite all the anger of children, students, parents, evacuees, farmers, fishermen, and all workers of the world, and continue fighting until we abolish all nuclear plants!
May Day Message from France
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