UİD-DER’s Solidarity Message to August 6 Hiroshima Grand Action Organizing Committee
Hiroshima, where the first atomic bomb dropped 78 years ago killed more than 140 thousand people and left it in ruins, has recently become the stage of the G7 summit organised by the imperialist powers. At this summit, imperialist hypocrisy and dishonesty reached its peak with the speeches of “peace” and “nuclear disarmament”.
The United States, which started the Third World War, which constitutes the strongest camp of this war, and the other Western imperialist powers allied to it, possess half of the world’s stockpiles of nuclear weapons. But as if this were not so, they have pointed their fingers at Russia, China, Iran and North Korea that form the other imperialist camp. While it is they, especially the USA, who set record after record in war expenditures every year, they said that it is Russia and China who are destroying the world peace.
The Kishida government, which plans to double its war expenditures, is also part of the imperialist Western camp. Both the attempts of the USA and its allies to accelerate their plans to encircle China and China’s militarist moves towards the Pacific have turned the Asia-Pacific region into a powder keg. Ukraine is the bloodiest front in the ongoing imperialist war of division. It is seen that the war in Ukraine, where the gates of hell have been further opened with the US decision to supply F-16 fighter jets and cluster bombs, will rapidly progress towards much more destructive phases.
While the imperialist powers set the world on fire for the sake of their own interests, it is the labourers who are burnt to a crisp in these wars. This war is not the war of the labourers who are forced to slaughter each other on the fronts, who are bombed in the war zones, who are forced to leave their homes, who lose their jobs, who are condemned to work under the most difficult conditions, whose future is stolen. This war is a bloody imperialist war of division. Therefore, it is the duty of all labourers to oppose this war from an internationalist perspective and to heighten the class struggle on this basis.
Class brothers/sisters in Japan
As workers in UID-DER we wholeheartedly salute the struggle you are waging in an internationalist perspective
Stop nuclear weapons! Stop NPPs that ravaged Fukushima!
Let’s fight together against imperialist wars!
Let’s unite under the flag of working class internationalism!
In addition, we would like to share with you Elif Çağlı’s poem Tears of Dolls, written in 1981, on the 36th anniversary of Hiroshima. The poem Tears of Dolls tells the story of Hiroshima through the eyes of a doll whose scorched hair symbolises the scorching away of life. It tells about the pain of the little children, their older sisters and brothers, who are burnt and scorched along with their beautiful black hair. And he calls out for them: “Stop the Bombs!”
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