Our Solidarity Campaign with the Earthquake Victims is Growing!
On 6 February, two devastating earthquakes in Maras led to a massive destruction in 10 provinces. Thousands of buildings were destroyed. Tens of thousands of people died, and hundreds of thousands were injured. Many more people have been left homeless and without shelter. Cities, along with their cultural and historical values, have been razed to the ground. The “Big Turkey” of the greedy and cruel regime, who has long glorified getting richer through construction, has collapsed on the people. For days, the regime has ignored the people’s calls for help. On the other hand, unions, socialist parties, democratic mass organizations, socialist workers’ organizations such as UID-DER, countless workers who took initiative, CHP, HDP and TİP have extended their helping hands to the victims. UID-DER, the workers’ struggle organization, took immediate action and launched a solidarity campaign under the slogan “Now is the Time for Unity and Solidarity!”. UID-DER continues to expand its campaign and delivers the donations to the victims through its Mersin branch in a timely and proper manner.
UID-DER called on all workers and labourers, international unions and labour organizations to stand in solidarity. It organized meetings and briefings, where members and volunteers came together. After necessary plannings, it started collecting donations.
There is a power outage in the region and gas stations have been damaged. Therefore, donations were primarily used to provide fuel oil, generators and tent which are urgently needed. Apart from this, all kinds of food, clothing and hygiene materials were also delivered to the victims through 4 aid stations in Hatay. In addition, a medical team has been sent to the disaster area. They are offering health services to the victims.
Moreover UID-DER visited the coordination desks formed by Avcılar Municipality, TİP, KESK, TTB and SES in Hatay/Antakya. All organizations have established contacts with each other. They identified what the needs are and shared experiences about the process.
Our activists and volunteers continue to work hard to deliver the needs directly to the victims of earthquake. Workers, working women and the youth are striving to support the campaign of UID-DER and extend their helping hands to the earthquake victims. Workers’ children are sending their pocket money and toys to victims through UID-DER. Once again, we call on all class brothers and sisters to join hands and stand in solidarity! We must know that we will continue to experience similar sufferings unless we unite and act in a more organized way. The working class must organize and fight in order to hold all those responsible, the one-man regime in the first instance, to account. We have no choice but to organize and fight to prevent our workplaces and houses from becoming our graves!
While delivering tents to the victims of the earthquake for shelter, UID-DER provides healthcare and delivers aids in the tent it pitched for coordination. Labourers derive strength from one another, and solidarity grows!#earthquake #TurkeyEarthquake pic.twitter.com/VyqdFHNKGb
— UİD-DER (@uid_der) February 16, 2023
UID-DER continues to deliver the aid it collects to the #earthquake zone. UID-DER members, working women, workers and our health team continue their work in 4 stations based in #Hatay. They deliver aid to the districts of the province. Let’s keep on support and #solidarity! pic.twitter.com/7H1l2DN90T
— UİD-DER (@uid_der) February 13, 2023
Our #solidarity campaign for the workers hit by the #earthquake continues with meetings, planning, material and financial support. We are working at 4 aid stations in #Hatay. Our activists from Gebze branch are working hard both in the earthquake areas and in the background. pic.twitter.com/AvC95zUCGQ
— UİD-DER (@uid_der) February 12, 2023
Saying “Now is the time for unity and solidarity”, UID-DER continues to deliver the aid it collects from various industrial zones of Turkey, trade unions and labor organizations abroad to the #earthquake region through its Mersin Office. Today is the day, long live #solidarity! pic.twitter.com/Di3w9WWoYt
— UİD-DER (@uid_der) February 11, 2023
Our #solidarity campaign for the workers hit by the #earthquake continues with meetings, planning, material and financial support. We are working at 4 aid stations in #Hatay. Our activists from Gebze branch are working hard both in the earthquake areas and in the background. pic.twitter.com/AvC95zUCGQ
— UİD-DER (@uid_der) February 12, 2023
Dear friends all over the world, the most urgent need is fuel oil, generator and tent in the earthquake region. UID-DER continues to collect and deliver aid especially fuel oil to the cities hit by the #earthquake, #Hatay, #Adana and #Antep.#EarthquakeTurkey #TurkeyNeedsHelp pic.twitter.com/NWsFbEAn88
— UİD-DER (@uid_der) February 11, 2023
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