War in Gaza Intensifies
Israel is conducting a bloody war and genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza before the eyes of the entire world. While the labourers in different countries of the world take to the streets against the war and demand an immediate end to the war in Gaza, Israel’s rulers and the imperialist powers that support them continue the massacre of children and women. And this war is not limited to Gaza. There, the imperialist powers, the US, China and Russia, and the competing powers in the region, Iran and Israel, are punching one another.
Imperialists are wrestling and Palestinian people are being massacred
The USA and the Western imperialists openly support Israel. Iran supports Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen to limit Israel's influence. China and Russia are fuelling tensions through Iran in order to have more influence in the Middle East. It is predicted that the war will spread like wildfire to Lebanon and further escalate in Syria and Yemen. Indeed, from Lebanon to Syria, from Iran to Yemen, weapons are being fired as a result of this war. Assassinations, bombings, attacks on merchant ships, arms shipments and threats are increasing. Is it not clear that the war is not limited to Gaza, but is part of the imperialists’ global war? The fact that the main imperialist powers are not directly confronting each other in their own territories does not change the fact that this is a global war. The growing conflagration in the Middle East, the war that is devastating Ukraine, the conflicts and coups in Africa, the escalating tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, the trade wars between the USA and China, the political and diplomatic crises, the threats to use nuclear weapons.... This war waged by the imperialist powers to redivide the world is clearly the Third World War. As the war grows, so does the danger for all the world’s working people.
20 million people died in the First World War and 70 million in the Second World War. Today, in order to advance in the power struggle they are waging, the countries involved in the imperialist polarisation do not care about the death of millions of people. They don’t care about the children who die before they get to know the world, the mothers whose babies are slaughtered before their eyes, the thousands trapped under the bombs, the millions displaced, the suffering peoples. They do not feel the slightest remorse as they set fire to Gaza and many other parts of the world and turn the earth into hell.
The capitalist states that say “Israel must stop the massacre” shrink away from any deterrent sanctions against Israel. They are not taking a single real and sincere step to stop the massacre. Muslim states, including Turkey, continue to send ships loaded with oil, natural gas, steel, military equipment, water and food to Israeli ports. While Palestinians are being massacred, the capitalists of these countries continue to expand their capital. While distracting the workers with boycotting certain brands of coffee chains, cola and detergents, they profit from the ongoing war and shamelessly say “politics is one thing, trade is another”.
Who can stop this war?
It's only the working people who are moved by the suffering of the Palestinian people. The actions, the strikes organised with the participation of the workers in the whole world, the blockading of the factories producing weapons for Israel by the unionised workers show that real peace and freedom in Palestine will only come through the struggle of the workers. The Palestinian people’s only friends are the working people saying “no to war” from Israel to the USA, from the Philippines to Britain. What will save the children of Gaza from the bombs is the amplification of this cry of the workers all over the world.
When the working people from different countries unite around the same cause, a force that will stop the imperialists can emerge. When the fraternal ties of the working people of the world, especially those of Israel and Palestine, are re-established, the fire of war can be extinguished. When workers organise and refuse to produce and ship weapons through strikes, when they extend their hand of solidarity to the Palestinian people, the bloodshed can stop. Therefore, those of us who honestly want to stand against this war in deed must think about ways to unite and organise, and come together at the workbench, on picket lines, in rallies, in our unions, in our organisations of struggle.
We are workers who condemn and try to prevent war and massacre with all our heart, mind and conscience. We cannot be on the same side with the rulers who, with disgusting hypocrisy, claim to care about the lives of civilians, but approve the massacre in the pursuit of imperialist interests, with those who pretend to be against Israel but continue their lucrative trade. We must strengthen our own ranks, the organised ranks of the working class. Let us unite in the ranks of the working-class struggle to overthrow the capitalist order of oppression, which is the biggest obstacle to real peace and freedom.
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