Humanity Neither Bowed Yesterday Nor Will Bow Today!
“Nothing will be the same!” This statement is repeated in corporate media day and night. Some people in the guise of experts, scientists, etc. keep chattering these words and the like. They say the world has changed completely with the coronavirus; old rules and social life are a thing of the past now. Every expression reflects an idea. So, whose ideas are these smart aleck people speaking out? The ones of exploiting masters, or of workers and toilers? They speak for the interests of the capitalist system of exploitation. They prepare society and labourers for a new wave of oppression, prohibitions and curtailment of rights by saying “nothing will be the same as before” as a credo. They call the picture of the world that they themselves frame as “new normal”, in which all democratic rights are eliminated, freedoms are destroyed, everyone is monitored in their steps through new technologies, solidarity and cooperation are smashed and people are pushed into the pit of individualism and selfishness.
Does not the relentless injection of fear into society expose that the main cause of what is happening in the world, right now, is not the coronavirus? If they present an epidemic that is not that much more dangerous than other influenza flu infections as the biggest disaster that has ever happened to humankind, if they know no boundaries in immorality and lying, then we should know that this exploitation system is floundering in deadly problems. The capitalist system of exploitationhas aged, rotten and outdated. In history, no system that is based on inequality, injustice and exploitation of human by human could survive, nor will capitalism. This system has got into a dead end and hit the wall. It is unable to get out of there, and will never be. Since this system contradicts the current level of development of society, science and technology. Humankind has developed and advanced means production over the years. We have come to such a point that we can produce with robots in many sectors, and wipe hunger and diseases off the face of earth. We can shorten work hours and employ every single person. That way some of us will not have to work like a load animal, and some of us will not have to grapple with unemployment and hopelessness. But what is useful for the majority of society is not profitable for capitalists. On one hand, people cannot meet their basic needs, on the other hand, markets are full of goods. How can such a system survive? What can it offer to humanity?
Let’s think, what was the world like before the creation of a fear empire by endless talks about coronavirus? Social inequality, unfairness, injustice and oppression were rising. The total wealth of only 2150 people was more than the total wealth of 70 percent of the world’s population. For example, according to 2018 data, Jeff Bezos, the owner of the international shopping site Amazon, had $112 billion fortune which was greater than one-year total revenue of 136 countries. 2 billion people were starving, lives of more than half of the world population were hanging on thread without any social security. Because of unemployment, poverty and imperialist war, millions of people from the Middle East to Latin America were taking to the roads of migration. Can uprisings and revolts ever be absent in a system that creates such grave problems? Indeed, in the last 20 years, workers from all over the world stood up. The wave of rebellion never stopped. While retreating in one country, it leapt into another one. Throughout 2019, workers of countless countries from Chile to Iran rebelled against the capitalist system of exploitation; they rebelled against unemployment, poverty and injustice.
You know, thinkers of capital say “Nothing will be the same as before”. Actually, the spirit of the time had already changed in the world, and for the rulers, as the things began to change, nothing was going on as before. It was precisely in this time course that capitalism tumbled down into a crisis unmatched in its history. This crisis, shadowed by coronavirus, was not unexpected. Since the exploitation system faced a historical impasse by the turn of new millennium. If we are to describe it with an analogy based on biology, let’s imagine a person who is aging, struggling with serious health problems in many areas from circulation to respiration and has become breathless. Especially in the last two decades, capitalism has been breathless, just like an elderly person suffering from respiratory problems. Each new crisis deteriorates the condition of the system. As a matter of fact, the destructive power in the bosom of the choked and suffocated system has manifested itself with the crisis in 2001. But the wave of crisis in 2008 on a global level was much deeper, greater and aggravated. It was also a sign that the next crisis would be more lethal… Moreover, the system had created a loan and stock market bubble that pushed the limits of the mind and the chain could break at any time. That’s why, before the year 2020, the international spokesmen of capitalism kept talking about the “economic storm”. And when the expected finally come true, they put the economy into intensive care to prevent a sudden, violent and uncontrollable economic collapse.
Along with the economy, they also froze social life. If such a tyranny of fear had not been created, tens of millions of workers who had been fired because of the crisis would take to the streets, crack the sky, shake the earth and the waves of rebellion would surround the world. However, by using a monster of inflated horror that they call coronavirus, rulers locked down billions of people to their homes, and silenced the demonstrations and revolts in many countries. In this way, only in the USA, they could easily fire 36 million workers. But what happened while ensuring deceived and frightened millions keep silent against injustice and cruelty? According to Forbes magazine, the top 25 richest people in the world added a total of $ 255 billion to their fortunes in the past two months. Thus, the total wealth of these 25 people reached $ 1.5 trillion.
ILO announced that 200 million workers will be fired because of the crisis and 500 million people will deeply be impoverished and pushed to the starvation line. In other words, unemployment, inequality and poverty in the world have increased much more than the period before the crisis, which is concealed by coronavirus. That’s why they want to make people unable to think, take away their will and manage them like a sheep herd. By saying, “Nothing will be the same as before,” they are fabricating a disaster and paint a dark picture of the world. It has long been a subject of science fiction films: Behind the so-called scientific studies, in fact, there is a search for immortality of the oppressors. The current state of capitalism is like a cruel and evil old man who has come to the edge of death and making efforts to prolong his life by drinking child blood.
But history is witness, they will not succeed! They will not be able to intimidate the working class with fear, so-called technological innovations, pressure and prohibitions! Humankind has come through today, overcoming all challenging turns from past to future. It was sometimes blown away from where he progressed, but it found a way to get up from where it fell. The exploitative sovereigns of no era could continue their reign forever. Humanity will get free from capitalism and will be able to create a classless and non-exploitative society by using the productive forces it has developed for thousands of years. Organized working class will lead humanity in this course, because it is the labour of the workers who make all the production and fill the springs of life. The working class has sprung up on the scene called history many times and has made epic struggles to overthrow the order of exploitation. And it will, sure, fight again. Humanity stands on the brink of a great change. It is true, nothing will be the same! Humanity will not bow to capitalist exploiters!
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