Societies Pushed Into the Tunnel of Horror Become Blind
Paranoia has been deliberately created all over the world based on the new type of coronavirus pandemic. The manufactured fear is spreading much faster than the virus. Following the detection of Covid-19 in Turkey, a whole series of so-called measures have come into force. As a result, people are retreating from social life day by day. In addition most people are stocking up on food and cleaning products. Almost everyone is talking about the coronavirus pandemic. A pervasive atmosphere of panic has been created among workers and toilers who have been pushed into a tunnel of horror.
Fear is common to all living creatures. It is a response of the living being in need of protection against threats and dangers. However, when fear exceeds a certain threshold, this alerting response turns into a disease. Prolonged fear produces stress. Thus, people become unable to think correctly and slide into panic. This spiral of fear disrupts the integrity of human thought. Thus, people become unable to react correctly in the face of events and act in a senseless manner. They virtually become blind! That is the reason why they are playing on our fears. The rulers are making society sick by pumping fear: fear of earthquake, fear of war, fear of coronavirus! Frightened and cowed societies end up as captives of the rulers.
We are not saying there is no pandemic. We must follow the necessary hygiene rules and fight for occupational health and safety measures in our workplaces. But let us continue to think and question: On the one hand, they say, “Eat well, strengthen your immune system, pay attention to hygiene.” But on the other hand, they impose upon us miserable wages. How can we have a healthy life with what we are paid? We must ask such questions without letting ourselves slide into fear and panic. We are passing through a chaotic period. In such periods, it is of vital importance to be wary of the insidious tricks of the rulers.
It is the capitalist system of exploitation that leads to the emergence of pandemics. Each year, 11 million children die from simple diseases and starvation. Within the first two months of 2020 alone, hundreds of thousands of people died from simple diseases: 70,000 from common cold, 140,000 from malaria. 240,000 people died from AIDS and 1,200,000 from cancer. Each year, millions of people lose their lives due to occupational accidents (read: murders), occupational diseases and wars. Who can deny the fact that the reason for all these is capitalism and its profit-driven nature? So the real danger is capitalism and we must fight against it. But this is not possible with a frightened and paralyzed mind.
In their attempt to build “an empire of fear”, the rulers are trying to deploy “agents of fear” inside the minds of workers. People are frightened, because they feel lonely and helpless. Lacking organisation and class consciousness in the face of intimidation, workers fail to make a sober evaluation of what is going on. They become unable to distinguish between the truth and lie, the right and the wrong. Prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the working class had taken to the streets and shaken the governments in many countries from Chile to France. Today, in many countries, governments are declaring state of emergency, with the military coming into play and curfews being implemented. Moreover, the bourgeoisie is using the coronavirus as an excuse to impose flexible working hours and legitimise lay-offs. They seek to silence labourers by paralysing them with fears.
Although it is well possible to live in a world free of fear, war and exploitation, humanity is frightened of everything because of capitalism. But let us remember that, in frightened societies, fear is two-sided. The rulers are injecting fear into the minds of labourers in various ways. But, they are also seething with fear. For, capitalism is spreading suffering, inequality and diseases everywhere. In response, the anger of workers, who make up the vast majority of society, is accumulating under the surface. This anger is manifesting itself through riots in many countries. The rulers are frightened and they should be so! Let us put our fear aside and realise that they fear us. We are the majority, we are the rightful. Being organized is the immune system of the working class. Let us strengthen our immune system. When we unite and organise, we will overcome our fears and make a heaven on earth.
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