Let’s Strengthen Workers’ Solidarity
The word solidarity can be described as mutual bonding in feelings, thoughts and common interests of individuals forming the society and their care of each other. As social beings the need for solidarity and getting united for humans is as necessary as bread and water. But in order to maintain their power and privileges, those in power do not desire a society in which solidarity is strong. They persistently carry on policies that disintegrate society, and fuel individualism and selfishness. The sense of solidarity in society weakens when the workers who have the same interests and stand on the same class front are artificially divided and polarized. The rulers easily manage and direct the workers who are divided. It is not without reason that the one-man regime in Turkey purposefully attacks sociality in an attempt to weaken solidarity. The regime has been trying to disrupt the social fabric by exploiting people’s religious beliefs and stoking cultural differences and nationalism. However, after the 6 February earthquakes, we once again saw that despite all the evil it produced, the one-man regime could not crush the spirit of solidarity in society.
People who were caught the Maraş-centered earthquakes in sleep went into shock, tens of thousands of them died under collapsed buildings, and those who threw themselves out were horrified by the magnitude of the destruction. People who were waiting for the state to come and save them in agony were disappointed as hours passed. Even 3 days after the earthquake, government agencies were absent in many cities, towns, villages that were ravaged. The state, which is considered sacred and exalted in these lands did not made any preparations despite all the reports that an earthquake would hit 10 provinces. While those who said, “We came to be servants of our nation,” left the nation under rubble, workers from all over Turkey rushed to help. Workers, socialist organizations, trade unions, non-governmental organizations and opposition parties from dozens of cities immediately went to the earthquake zones. Despite lack of necessary equipment, those who rushed to help tried to save people by digging the rubble with their nails. They offered blankets to people waiting outside in the cold, made soup and distributed it.
From the very first day, socialist workers’ organizations, trade unions, democratic mass organizations and opposition parties launched a great solidarity campaign. UID-DER, a socialist workers’ organization working for the salvation of humanity, is one of them. Moreover, not only the workers in Turkey, but also workers from dozens of countries including Greece and Armenia that have been demonized by the state, mobilized for solidarity; volunteers and trained teams took part in search and rescue efforts. However, rescue teams, miners and volunteers from abroad were either kept in airports or blocked in the area. AFAD turned the rescue work into a show, the pro-government media did not cover any rescue work if AFAD is not present. We know how pro-government media drowns out the voices of those who shout as “Where is the state?” And we will never forget!
UID-DER launched a campaign and called on the workers to show solidarity, and also called on trade unions and socialist workers’ organizations in other countries. UID-DER took action to identify and meet the urgent needs of earthquake victims through its Mersin local office and delivered essential items such as tents, heating devices and hygiene stuff, especially fuel and power generators, which are of great importance due to the power cut. The needs of the earthquake victims were determined and met through the UID-DER coordination tent in Hatay, and the doctors, nurses and health workers working in the established infirmary started to serve the workers. “Now is the Time for Unity and Solidarity” campaign of UID-DER was supported by trade unions and socialist organisations from many countries from Japan to France, the Philippines to Canada, England to Germany, both financially and morally. Likewise, the launch of a solidarity campaign by international trade unions has revealed how important the international organization of the working class is.
The government, which proved incompetent and disorganized in terms of the necessary work to be done regarding the earthquake, is not at all happy with the developing public/labourer solidarity networks. They do not want the workers to organize more and the people to reach an organizational capacity and consciousness that will solve social problems without waiting for the state. Because under conditions where the people solve their own problems through their civil organizations, no one expects favours from the state. As such, the rulers cannot direct and rule society as they wish. That’s what they are afraid of. However, the earthquake showed once again that in order to create a strong society, we need much more civil organizations, and trade unions, socialist workers’ organizations and parties need to get stronger! So let’s take responsibility to grow our organized strength and solidarity without waiting for new disasters!
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